Friday, August 14, 2009

Sunday Morning Hypocrite

I sit here every Sunday...just sit here.
I slap on my "praise the Lord"smile and greet people that i dislike.
I finally get through the people, and find the pew that I sit in every time I come in this sanctuary.
The music starts and I mumble through the hymns not paying a lick of attention to what the words say.
Finally a prayer, now I can check the football scores on my phone, no one will see right?
The prayer ends and Mrs.Holier Than Thou almost caught me, but she old and slow.
I keep a Bible in front of me so they think I'm reading and not sleeping during the pastors sermon...until I snore.
The sermons over and we all sing, or mumble in my case, a hymn for the invitation...boring.
Finally! Church is over! I can go eat and go back to the human i was yesterday! At least until next Sunday...then it starts again.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Thief

I am a thief,
I am not proud of what i have done,
But I did it nonetheless,
I am a thief.

Who is this that hangs beside me,
He is innocent,
He does not deserve to hang here like a slab of rotten meat,
Why would a man that did nothing take the punishment for someone,

I am a thief,
I am not proud of what i have done,
But i did it nonetheless,
I am a thief.

I understand His pain,
For I have been through the same,
But I do not understand why he does this to Himself.

I am a thief,
I am not proud of what i have done,
But i did it nonetheless,
I am a thief.

I read the sign above His bleeding brow,
The King of the Jews it says,
But why would His people crucify Him?

I am a thief,
I am not proud of what i have done,
But i did it nonetheless,
I am a thief.

I have heard of this man who hangs beside me,
His name is Jesus,
He claims to be the Son of God Almighty,
No, not claims, He is the Son of God,
Why else would someone go through this torture when innocent?